Google Releases Top 2012 Search Terms

(Wikimedia Commons: Google Inc)

Google recently released its twelfth end-of-the-year list of trending searches, according to CJR.  They collected data from 55 countries to see what topics, people and events were the most searched terms for 2012.  Whitney Houston and Kate Middleton were the most-searched people (with Middleton’s topless photos earning the number two spot on most-searched events, behind Hurricane Sandy).  One Direction, the boy band, was the top trending term on image searches.  “It’s quite a snapshot of what makes us human: a blend of guilty pleasures and higher pursuits,” said Amit Singhal, SVP of Google said on their blog.  If you’ve paid attention to news in the last year, all these terms remain all too familiar, with news sites paying close attention to Google Analytics to drive their content focus.

About Michael Juliani

Michael Juliani is a senior studying Print and Digital Journalism at USC's Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. He's a senior news editor and executive producer for Neon Tommy and an associate editor and contributor for the Online Journalism Review. His writing has appeared in the Los Angeles Times and the Huffington Post, among other places.