Islamists in Somali continues media transgressions shabelle radio director shot dead in Bakara Market to day

Islamists in Somali continues media transgressions shabelle radio director shot dead in Bakara Market to day

Ajournalist Muktaar Mohamed Hirabe 42 was shot dead to day in Bakara Market and other journalist of Shabelle radio Ahmed Taajir was also injured.

The Islamist organizations in Somalia are now a day seems that they adopted damaging of the Somali journalist and the foreign journalists coming to the country.

SOJRA monitoring and observation confirmed to day the releasing of Universal TV director Ibrahim Mohamed Hussein who was abducted on 02 June but SOJRA worry the healthof the Journalist Ibrahim Mohamed Hussien whom was the director of the universal TV for the south and central of Somalia.

It was June 03 2009 when the Islamist organization of Ahlusunnah wal jama’ah ordered to the horn of Africa reporter in Galgudud region not to release any news concerning the areas that they control otherwise they will be arrested and this is an other obstacle of existing real situation of the human rights in the region where there is a war going on in the region between them and the religious organization of ALshebab.

The same with that the Alshebab organization is terrorizing to the media whose spokesperson said that from the media call us our name a name he mentioned otherwise stop talking about the whole situation of Somalia no media can dare to say alshebab only otherwise they will face from us a very bad punishment this was on May 21 2009.

Alshabaab’s terrorizing to the media was also understood from one of it’s heads speech while he was speaking from the media of the horn of Afric radio named Maalin Hashi.

However, all this are against and obstacles to the journalism and the democracy and it do not seem that it will end up in a short time.

Finally SOJRA is calling to the international community to keep the eyes for those religious organizations damaging the journalists and to bring them in front of an international justice for the near coming future.

About Daud Abdi Daud

I am the Executive Durector of Somali Journalists Rights Agency (SOJRA).