Remembering Chandler: 'If I were starting out today…'

Kevin Roderick at L.A. Observed today excerpts author Dennis McDougal’s recent lecture on former L.A. Times publisher Otis Chandler, who passed away Monday morning.

McDougal literally wrote the book on Chandler, and muses on what has happened to the once free-spending Times and its pursuit of editorial excellence under Otis Chandler. The final graf is stunning:

“I didn’t come here to elevate the good old days, but to tell you that I envy you. If I were starting out today, I’d be pouring my energy into building my own website or joining one already in progress and asking myself the hard questions of what it is I care about, what it is I want to report on, what it is as an individual I have to say. I can’t help but believe that Otis would agree.”

About Robert Niles

Robert Niles is the former editor of OJR, and no longer associated with the site. You may find him now at