Full-time blogging requires a huge commitment and financial backing

This weekend’s Sunday Oregonian published a package of three pieces intended to consider not the question of “blogs versus mainstream media” but “blogs as mainstream media.”

As the one-time publisher of Portland Communique, I was asked to contribute my views based upon my personal experience.

But the full version addressed some questions more fully, including the financial realities of blogging full-time on the local level and that pesky matter of blogs as mainstream media.

The money quote on that latter question, to entice you to read the entire piece:

“What’s considered ‘mainstream’ media is a function of what’s available to people, not a function of how that media functions or what it covers. There is not much that is more mainstream than people seeking out information and opinion to help them make sense out of their lives. As more people turn to blogs for this, that may make them mainstream, but it doesn’t have to mean the blog form somehow has ‘sold out’.”

About Christopher Frankonis