E&P: How to Get More Women and Minorities into Executive Roles

Editor & Publisher has a piece by Nu Yang reminding us that diversity should still be a goal for every newsroom. White men still occupy a majority of the top newspaper positions. Yang interviewed two newsies at opposite ends of the spectrum to get some ideas about how to keep working to balance the playing field so that more women and minorities get a shot at leading. “It may help to create relationships with organizations that provide support for women and minorities in journalism as avenues for awarding internships or jobs, or to reach out to individual university programs,” says 21-year-old college newspaper editor Kacey Gardner. Joseph H. Zerbey IV, president and general manager of the Toledo Blade at 70 years old, is a little more blunt: “First of all, stop making excuses. Over the last 40 or so years I have heard them all: ‘Well, there just aren’t enough of them qualified for that job.’ ‘As soon as I hire a female, they take maternity leave.’ ‘They just aren’t the fit the team needs.’ ‘There aren’t enough minorities down in the ranks to bring along.’ … They are out there. You have to work at it to find the right person, with the right fit, with the credentials and the work ethic to make it work. It is not an easy task.” Read their full responses here.